Herbalist • Holistic Nutritionist • Plant-Based Coach • Weight Loss Coach • Energy Healer
Holistic Nutritionist and Plant-Based Coach
Are you trying to restore or maintain vibrant health, trying to recover from chronic illness, or wanting to lose (or gain weight)? Holistic nutrition coaching can help you achieve your goals at a pace that feels comfortable for you. This is a cooperative coaching session where you are an active participant.
- Initial sessions are 1-1/2 hours and include:
- Time for you to explain your needs and concerns
- Meal and lifestyle review
- Goal setting and planning
- Nutrition, herbal, and lifestyle recommendations
- Follow up sessions can be scheduled for a half-hour or full-hour depending on your needs
Culinary and medicinal herbs are incredibly beneficial and have been successfully used throughout the world for centuries. Learn how to add more culinary herbs to your recipes and diet. Also learn how to add medicinal herbal teas and herbal tinctures to your healing protocol.
- Herbal suggestions will be made as part of your holistic nutrition consultation
Healthy Pantry Makeover and/or Grocery Store Tour
Step 1 – Pantry Makeover
Need a pantry makeover? Together we can read labels and scrutinize the foods in your pantry. Armed with this information you can decide which foods to remove, making room for more wholesome foods.
Step 2 – Grocery Store Tour
Learn how to navigate the grocery store aisles so you can choose the best ingredients based on your food preferences, health concerns, and nutritional goals. Having healthy meal and snack ingredients on hand will bolster your success.
- Step 1 and Step 2 each take approximately 1 hour
- Travel time will be added if applicable
In-person cooking demonstrations are held in my kitchen to help you learn specific techniques and recipes. Methods for preserving the garden can also be demonstrated such as freezing, pickling, and dehydrating.
- A quick cooking demonstration can be made during another consultation or scheduled as a separate appointment
It’s easier to maintain vibrant health, recover from illness, balance body weight, and stick to your goals when your energy field is clear and flowing.
- 1-1/2 hour sessions include:
- 1-hour energy healing
- 1/2-hour post session discussion
Thoughtfully grown organic fruits and veggies are packed with nutrients and flavor. In-person consultations can also include a tour of our many gardens and greenhouse. Whether you have a lot of space to grow gardens, a smaller community plot, or only enough room to grow a container garden – Jamie and I are are happy to make suggestions to help you grow your green thumb and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Let our 30+ years of experience guide you.
- A garden tour can be included as part of another consultation or scheduled as a separate appointment
Free 15
- Schedule a complementary 15-minute call to briefly discuss your current situation and goals
Fees for Services
- Initial Consultation
- 1-1/2 hours $150
- Follow Up Consultations
- 1-hour $90
- 1/2-hour $45
- Energy Healing
- 1-1/2 hours $135
- Packages
- Four 1-hour follow-up consultations $315
- Four 1/2-hour follow up consultations $157.50
Not ready to book a full consultation? Consider ordering one of Judy’s custom tea blends as a first step.
Judy’s Credentials
- Certified Holistic Nutritionist through the American Fitness Professionals & Associates
- Plant-Based Nutrition certificate through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
- Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners
- Food as Medicine through Monash University
- Rosemary Gladstar, Science and Art of Herbalism
- Twin Star Herbal Education, Foundations of Herbalism
- The School of Evolutionary Herbalism, Materia Medica Monthly and Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program
- Margi Flint Earthsong Herbals, Reading the Body
Energy Healing
- Transformational Energy Healing through The Centre for Holistic Studies, Northwestern Connecticut Community College (3-year certificate program)
- Reiki level 1 and 2
- Therapeutic Touch
- Practitioner Training: Foundation Year, School of Homeopathy, Devon England
- Judy is the executive director of the Room To Grow childcare center, which she founded in 1990 to serve the varied childcare needs of her local community
Email: alifewellplanted@gmail.com