Research Showing a Plant-Based Diet
Promotes Healthy Weight Loss
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“This study found that vegan diets were more effective for weight loss than other diets, and that vegan diets improved macronutrients more than other diets.”
Nutrition journal, 2015
“A vegan diet was associated with a greater weight loss at both 1 and 2 years post-intervention, compared with a more conventional, low-fat diet (NCEP). Both group support and meeting attendance were associated with sustained weight loss, demonstrating the value of follow-up support after a dietary intervention.”
Obesity: a research journal, 2012
“A diet centered on whole plant foods appears to be a safe, simple, sustainable solution to the obesity epidemic.”
American Journal of lifestyle medicine, 2020
“Vegans typically have the lowest BMI or lowest prevalence of overweight or obesity in studies that compare multiple dietary patterns, including vegetarians and omnivores .”
Nutrients Journal, 2021
“The results in this review propose that a shift to a plant-based diet may have beneficial health effects on body weight and BMI in individuals with overweight, T2DM, cardiovascular risk/disease and rheumatoid arthritis. The weight reduction can be explained by an increased intake of fiber, polyunsaturated fats and plant proteins, including a reduced intake of energy, saturated fats and animal proteins.”
Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity, 2020
“Fish-eaters, vegetarians and especially vegans had lower BMI than meat-eaters. Differences in macronutrient intakes accounted for about half the difference in mean BMI between vegans and meat-eaters. High protein and low fibre intakes were the factors most strongly associated with increasing BMI.”
International Journal of Obesity, 2003
“In 2002, the Adventist Health Study-2 enrolled a cohort of 97,000 Adventists from across the United States and Canada and collected data on diet, physical activity, lifestyle, and demographic factors. Dietary pattern status was further classified as vegan, lactoovovegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and nonvegetarian. A progressive increase in BMI was observed as meat and animal products were included in the diet. The vegan and lactoovovegetarian diets provided greater protection against overweight and obesity than a meat-containing diet.”
American Journal of CLinical nutrition, 2010
“In 2006, after reviewing data from 87 published studies, authors Berkow and Barnard reported in Nutrition Reviews that a vegan or vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss. They also found that vegetarian populations have lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, their review suggests that weight loss in vegetarians is not dependent on exercise and occurs at a rate of approximately 1 pound per week. The authors further stated that a vegan diet caused more calories to be burned after meals, in contrast to nonvegan diets which may cause fewer calories to be burned because food is being stored as fat.”
The Permanente Journal, 2013